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Thread: Candles of Candlewood Lake

  1. #1
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Candles of Candlewood Lake

    Woods Of Candlewood

    Yeah it suck to be good at something bad
    Happiness is a luxury I wish I always had
    Nah, it’s not sad…
    Just don’t take me from at least you’re still a dad
    But a fad?
    Hell no… 33.99 lets go…
    Yeah it’s my thirty faow fo show (in the get down low)
    And that bitch just don’t even know
    Who was your friend and who was the fo?
    You silly stupid fake something type of ho

    I didn’t shoot either

    Yeah mom but it’s clear it will always be the same ~ until the end of time - in my 50 flow

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    Link one:

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    @Candy what do you think of ghost story idea?

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    Fuck a book I want to do the movie first so you can set the imagery for book

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    You got ties… right?

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    In my area Candlewood lake surrounds 5-7 towns no clue how many and it’s all villages that they intentionnally flooded to make the lake… I think it’d be good for a scary non gory cute ghost story idea

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    Ghost is practically my entire religion… it’s the living people who piss me off

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    The psychic told me Hollins worke helping teen agers pass over - now that I crossed again I’ll trust he get me back right and it’s where I feel safest

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    No disrespect cause I don’t ever want to offend his religion or family

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    I do pac… I really do love him but he hard on me (strict) and he don’t have to worry about being strict though… but writing HELLLLLL NOOOOO I’ll die before I let my pen go

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    He want me to find a better way and I’m like noo we this close

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    Link 2:

    Cause I don’t want to let all of being crazy go

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    The feds keep trying to get my pen partners and it’s not fair to me…

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    Like makingknowcentd and stuff

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    Don’t we have freedom of press?

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    I ghost write… I talk to their spirits too but I ain’t do shit… just saw a lot of shit

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    You wake up in bigger houses and I wake up in mental smfh

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    Pac I heard you… I also heard what they said about you and Jada

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    Like in my heart I don’t think it always was me you wanted

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    More then a problem that fell in your lap… I hate feeling like I
    The burden too

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    There is a HUGE difference from 70 to 72 degrees for real and I’m turning it back up

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    I love my step dad but he cheap as fuck lol

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    You can burn that club pic… I looked horrible

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    Dead sober
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  2. #2
    Princess Jonny Knows
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Battle Record

    Re: Candles of Candlewood Lake

    respect i love the part dead sober like does the writer make it or die

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    im down

  3. #3
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: Candles of Candlewood Lake

    Shit I better live to spend at least a lot of it lmfao

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    I got peeps both sides so it helps me not to get scared

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    @Candy 36k hits though in less than a month? I believe in don’t ask don’t tell but if you see that ish HANDLE IT
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

  4. #4
    Princess Jonny Knows
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Battle Record

    Re: Candles of Candlewood Lake

    true dat trueee dat

    yeh i got about 40k hits out of no wheree.. but your sitting on millions must be because your sexy

  5. #5

    Re: Candles of Candlewood Lake

    “ghosts are practically my religion” is a very interesting statement. care to elaborate?

  6. #6
    I Rose from Concrete 🖤🥀 NoNun2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Re: Candles of Candlewood Lake

    @jack _hallows when I was 16 my classmate got shot at a party I was at and died on my lap… ever since that night I hallucinate and see angels and demons but only a few times I have… some times I see slow mo or fluorescent so he’s very much alive to me and pac is too… examples be like I let go of my steering wheel at 120mph crying and screaming and my hands went back on the wheel one by one and he said that’s still suicide you can’t trick me and stuff like that… I’m a strict no suicide code. But also being mentally ill I got lost in the city and pulled in the parking lot crying for 45 minutes cause I was so confused and couldn’t figure out how to get home and was crying… I felt one jump in and tap home on my navigation and drove me home… stuff like that… I wanna make a movie where you see the girl sleeping in the drivers seat driving… I want to make a movie that people laugh, cry, get tense, and feel pride too. I always see shadows, like literall people shadows if you look in the mirror you can see them too!

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    Pac was yelling at me to wake up in Myrtle beach… I see him a lot too.

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    I hear them walking or tapping too and I’m just hoping I get all of my religion back

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    I think I’m a call it GHOSTS OF CANDLEWOOD LAKE

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    It’s a man made lake and there are entire villages under water now

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    A lot drownings and even me when swimming once felt how strong the current drag

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    I went to swim after my floaty but couldn’t get to it without over exhausting myself swimming and I was on the swim team… that lake is no joke

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    We have prom pond too.. the Jesus tree… I have like 5 movies I wanna make about all sorts of stuff ESPECIALLY mental health awareness

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    Ever since he got shot I see in movies all the time… like what scene ima put where etc… I want to get all the actors together and tell them the theme or point of each scene and ask them to improv ain’t no way in hell I have the patience to write a screen play

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    I also want to produce the movie first to avoid disappointment when you had another vision when reading the book… this way it sets the scene you visualize when reading and you can fill in more details and extra parts
    As much as I hallucinate and see him…
    I’m willing to take that chance

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