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Thread: Metaphysical, Paranormal, Supernatural Ish

  1. #1

    Metaphysical, Paranormal, Supernatural Ish

    i was talkin to my boy other day & the subject of out of body experiences came up, which got me intrigued enough to broaden the discussion to the rest of you niggas.

    has anyone here experienced anything unexplainable or spooky and would like to share your story or stories?

    also, to anyone who has experienced the mystery realm, what was your mindstate like when it happened? Were you on mind altering chemicals or coming down off them? Were you depressed? What was your psychological standing at the time of your encounter?

    let’s get weird, folks.

  2. #2
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Metaphysical, Paranormal, Supernatural Ish

    You experienced one- You and 5 of your bros turned a bottle of wine into a floor forever tainted with a shared rubber leaking the forbidden ooze all over.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
    What's not high- my win record or me.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. #3

    Re: Metaphysical, Paranormal, Supernatural Ish

    damnit egg at least let a couple niggas post on topic before derailing the thread with your weird obsession with masculine on masculine sex stuff.

  4. #4
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: Metaphysical, Paranormal, Supernatural Ish


    We have talked a bit about this before, but my mother is really into ghost hunting and I have went with her on many many many "hunts". I've been to some world renowned so called "paranormal hotspots" and the biggest unseen threat is mold in the walls or dust in the air. I'm not saying ghost don't exist . . . maybe they do . . . but I have spent nights at so called ghost infested places and nothing ever happened worth mentioning.

    Sure, we would hear strange noises, bangs, things falling, doors opening, lights flicker, stupid EVP meters bouncing around and seriously. . .FUCK those god damned dumb ass spirit boxes . . . but none of that is evidence of shit to me tbh. Most of these places are either super old or just very empty and echoey. Ill believe in ghost when one steps in front of me and I can see it.

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    An armed man is a citizen,
    An unarmed man is a victim

  5. #5

    Re: Metaphysical, Paranormal, Supernatural Ish

    haaa you right, when you mentioned your mom being super into it & you accompanying her & being perpetually disappointed it made me remember the topic being broached in that halloween movie thread..

    even though you never experienced anything, it still must’ve been dope to just be there in the moment. bro i hope one day you do see a ghost, cuz you deserve it at this point lol.

    maaan, i always felt like i was a magnet for weird shit growing up.. used to have involuntary out of body experiences & astral projections, i had encounters with shadow people, once saw a disembodied head floating, other just as weird but less exciting shit, all before my mid-teens. then when i got a bit older & started abusing alcohol & garbage weed, all that shit went away practically overnight. but i was still doing research trying to figure out what i went through & when i became educated on the matters, i hated that i basically chemically lobotomized myself and was no longer able to astral project or push my consciousness out of my body. probably for the best anyway.

    my mom is a daycare specialist & she had this kid who would talk to his grandfather whom passed before the kid was even born. his family had pics of the dude but never told the boy who he was. the kid not only described him in detail but he described what would turn out to be the guy’s favorite shirt & the fact that he always smelled like tobacco..

    that was over 10 years ago & i’ve wondered ever since what that kid is up to now. probably all fucked up like i was sadly.

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