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Now I could be wrong, but maybe he stopped over someone’s house the day after Christmas who is also on this site… and while smoking a blunt, he brought up said battle with wuxia… then that person was like ‘make sure u come personal with wuxia cuz he always does’ then that person was like ‘I don’t know shit about him really and I already got a bar about he being other people’ then the other person was like, ‘use something he said, look here he mentioned a fracture’ then he said ‘I don’t see on mine.. where’s that quote’ then the other person was like ‘it’s prob in the team thread, here I’ll send it to u’
Or it didn’t go down like that at all… I’m definitely just guessing
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That person also might of told them.. ‘instead of saying internet locations, say ip’s’ then he said ‘Wrf is a ip’ then that other person was like ‘it’s a better way to say what ur trying to say’
Again, totally guessing