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Thread: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

  1. #1
    Conquering Lion Prince Escobar's Avatar
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    Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine


    What's going on folks, this is my first Poetic Scriptures Magazine and I'm pleased to say that it came out strong. First and foremost I'd like to acknowledge those of you who contributed and those with intent to contribute, including Atticus, Chris Black, Ex.Machina., Fiasco, Kevin Brown, Laureate, Luke, and Poeta demonio. Hopefully in future issues I'll be able to include more of a breakdown on the happenings over in Intricate Emotions and add some diversity. In the meantime kick your feet up, scour for your name (as i'm sure you'll be doing anyway) and enjoy the magazine.

    -3 Stacks.

    Writers to Watch:
    5. Laureate
    The guy arguably had the piece of the month in March, titled 'From the thoughts of an Artist to being Invisible'. Laureate is one of the more recognized veterans on the site, and with good reason he's got 14 PSHOF pieces. Though I used to have a problem with his consistency, lately he's been tearing up Intricate Emotions, making it all the way through to the quarterfinals. This guy’s work should be no secret to you if you’ve been around the site long enough, do yourself a favor and keep an eye out on his work to come.

    What to Check: From thoughts of an artist to being invisible.(PSHOF in March, Legends Nomination)
    Sudden Weather Changes (A battle verse against It’s Nash in last round’s IE playoffs)

    Esco’s Take on What to Expect: While I certainly can’t pigeonhole Laureate as a writer with one style, what he’s been showing us lately is that he has an incredibly strong poetic voice. His ability to emote and cause the reader to relate to his writing is second to none. Not only does his tone bode well, but he is also an imaginative writer conceptually, who you can expect to bring strong imagery with even the simplest of topics in mind. These things considered, it’s easy to see why Laureate is on this list and why he’s been one of the strongest poets on the site.

    4. Luke.
    Many younger guys may recognize him as Bloomquist, this guy's been dropping memorable pieces for a while now. As of recent however he's been dropping quite a few strong poems. His piece, 'I believe, yet.' made it into last month's Hall of Fame and he had another notable piece titled 'love her.' that went under the radar. He's got 4 PSHOF pieces since it's inception, basically if you don't know this guy you haven't been around long. Check him out.

    What to Check: Shadow Savior (His latest piece, PSHOF Nomination)
    I believe, yet. (March PSHOF)

    Fiasco’s Take on What to Expect: Bloomquist is a guy I remember from my earliest days on RB and he’s always been one of the writers that people acknowledge as sound all around. He has a lot of the technical aspects of Poetry down, he can get his point across in anything from an abstract to a literal style of writing. Don’t blink or you may miss the fantastic political or religious tones Bloom’s been known to sneak into his poems. Expect a well rounded and polished piece of writing anytime Luke’s name is attatched to it.

    3. gemeaux
    She's been shining brilliantly in Intricate Emotions, making her way through the playoffs with ease and holds one of two unblemished records. Her poem 'Danceur' went into the Poetic Scriptures Hall of Fame last month and yet a lot of people are still unfamiliar with her pieces. Perhaps that’s because recently it would seem she's been focused on IE so read her work over there, and watch for a return to PS.

    What to Check: Turn up the static(An IE battle vs. Poeta)
    Danceur(PSHOF in March)

    Kevin Brown’s take on What to Expect: Gemeaux has constantly proven to be one of the strongest writers since her debut on RB. Her ability to take a simple concept and turn it into a complex masterpiece is rivaled by very few. Her use of language, metaphors and overall poetic technique allow her to say so much in such concise poems. She also has an ability to flow and keep rhythm in a number of different styles, making her one of the most appealing writers on the site today.

    2. Ex.Machina.
    Another guy who most know around here, he had two pieces 'The Essence.' and 'A Letter To Words' in the PSHOF last month, the latter of which was a collaboration with myself. Formerly known by names like Sharp and Paroxysm this guy’s work is all over the PSHOF. Though recently he hasn't dropped many new pieces, with a veteran like him a poem could be around any corner. Like gemeaux, watch out for his return to PS.

    What to Check: Humble magnifico. (February PSHOF)
    The Essence. (March PSHOF)

    Atticus’ take on What to Expect: Machina, Sharp, Para…whoever he is today, he'll always cast a shadow of sheer simplistic brilliance over the poetic scriptures forum, in such a fashion that could only be described as legendary. Sharp has always come with a style based on fundamental precision, and a "no bullshit" punch in the face touch to his brutally accessible metaphors, that are used to further his emotive excellence. Simply put…if you've felt pain, Sharp will teach you what pain feels before it gets stabbed in the heart; if you've felt heartache, he'll take the heart you thought you had and write it another ventricle to bleed from. from past to present, a "Sharp" poem…is just that.

    1. Esco 3000
    Well I didn't want to put myself here but Atticus and Quist put me here. I guess what I'll say about myself is that I had 2 pieces in the PSHOF last month and I have more PSHOF poems than anyone else on the site, so I'd like to say i'm consistant. In regards to what’s on the outlook for me I have a few collabs in the works and I'm looking forward to the Words In Motion Tourney and possibly a new season of IE so you'll see more of me soon.

    What to Check: The Caffeine Cult.(PSHOF Nomination April)
    A Letter to Words by Esco and Machina(March PSHOF)

    Ex.Machina's Take on What to Expect:An amazingly prolific and introspective poet, that's Esco. He's been part of the Rapbattles poetry since the begining. Esco combines a style which takes advantage of emotion and imagery. When you read an Esco piece, you know that it's going to be a unique experience that you wont get from any other writer. He's an unrecognized force that some people underestimate but really shouldn't. He's real, never tries to be anyone else, He's a true inspiration and has more pieces in PSHOF than any one other member. Confident, unforgiving, and talented. A pivotal member to our poetry scene.

    Interview with: Luke.
    Esco 3000: Okay man let’s dive right into it…how do you feel about the state of poetry on RB?
    Luke: Dope. Honestly, poetry seems to be booming again. Of course it will never match up activity with that of text or topical, but poetry heads are finally known for their craft on RB, Intricate Emotions is running well and is producing great work, and people seem to be dropping consistantly in Poetic Scriptures. Alot of pieces get slept on, but hey, that's always going to be natural yeah?
    Esco 3000: I agree, but it's refreshing to hear such a positive outlook.
    Luke: <--- fresh like will smith
    Esco 3000: The jury's still out...on another note, are there any poets in particular you've found yourself reading more of recently?
    Luke: Well, naturally when I enter Poetic Scriptures I always look for the recognizable heads. Ex.Machina, Esco 3000, Mindless, Atticus, Laureate, and occasionally the dope poem that Bounce manages to post (miss those). But as of newer heads, I think Intricate Emotions have really let them shine. At least on the poetry hand before Intricate Emotions playoffs, I didn't know who HighEngineChief was, or True Prophet. Gemuex (spelling) is dope as hell, and I love reading her work. I think Intricate Emotions has given us, at least me, a chance to see and read alot of poetry from people I didn't know could write.
    Esco 3000: Yeah IE has been a great outlet of recent for a newer wave of poets around here. If you had to narrow your sights to two or three though, who tops your list?
    Luke: As in new poet's or just dope heads in general?
    Esco 3000: Whoever you notice, or catch the most recreationally.
    Luke: Well, Phrantik (K. Brown, Kevin Brown, whatever he goes by nowadays), has come back and posted consistent poetry because of IE, and I haven't seen him post actively with poetry for awhile, and a writer of his caliber is always fun to read. Esco, you yourself I always manage to see stick out. You always drop consistent and always quality stuff to learn from. Apart from those two I think Gemeux(spelling) has got to be my other, maybe a 'rookie of the year' type poet. When I came back from being gone from RB for about 6 months it was good to see someone new, with a relatively low post count, yet who's actually a quality writer to read.
    Esco 3000: I'm flattered, and it isn't bad being in such company. Well a lot of people look at you as one of the established vets around here, what can you say about the 'golden days' if you will?
    Luke: Ah, the golden days. When Varentao was dropping poems, and Bounce was basically teaching how to write. Honestly, the golden days of RB poetry from what I feel, were just when I was starting out. It seems like those are the golden days for everyone. When you start writing, you really get into it, and you look upto the writers you see who really inspire you and help you learn. For me that consisted of Varentao, Bounce, Deacon, Phrantik, and Maven. It's good to see that most of those heads are still around and writing. But honestly, the activity in my golden days, is on better than the activity now. If the kids on RB really focus on getting better and being active, and putting effort into pieces in Intricate Emotions, we could very possibly have a revolution soon, and a possible re-birth of a new golden age era. Is it for sure? No. But possible? I think so.
    Esco 3000: I think a lot of us are hoping for that, moreso the veterans. A lot of people love your writing man, to give those who aren't familiar a better understanding, how would you describe your style, and what do you consider to be your influence or inspiration?
    Luke: honestly, i don't know my style, I just write. I've been published, won contests, gotten money all off poetry, and I don't know my style. I'm real abstract I suppose. I like short lines, metaphors, wordplay, and alot of emotion that you can really get into, so I try to incorporate all that into my writing. Inspiration wise there's of course all of the rap artists I listen to (Rakim, De La Soul, and Tribe called quest are probably my top three), but besides musical artists, some of the poets that give me the most inspiration are for sure Saul Williams, guy is dope as hell and reading or listening to his work always gets me in a writing mood, and lately a muslim poet named Amir Suliman, who basically has inspired me to actually start writing again. Really all of you look for videos of him on youtube, and add him on myspace, he's dope as hell.
    Esco 3000: I'll check that out man, i'm sure PS appreciates the food for thought as well. So is there anything new on the horizon for you? What's on your mind of late and what do you have in store in the near future as far as poetry or life, what have you is concerned?
    Luke: As far as RB goes, I'm looking forward to see who will win Intricate Emotions, and very excited for next season. As for outside of RB, I'm trying to keep writing for contests, build up my winning portfolio, and try to impress colleges for scholarship opportunities. My own goal is just to keep writing, try and get better, but most importantly, enjoy it. Poetry is nothing without enjoyment.
    Esco 3000: That's a good message to get out there. I think the foundation is place, like you said if young writers hit the site ready to improve than we certainly could continue to see growth in PS. Any closing words you want to throw out there man?
    Luke: Um, let me think. Seriously to anyone on RB, take writing outside of the site. Write in your community, write for school. Buy a writing magazine and enter some contests. You won't win shit your first time competing, but you get better, and you get a feel for where you really are. Besides that, just keep dropping, stay consistent, and keep coming hard in Intricate Emotions, because that's where respect is going to be earned, through the opponents you can show up.
    Esco 3000: Thanks a lot for your time man, and good luck with the crew and all other endeavors.
    Luke: werdly werd, dope intaview
    Esco 3000: I do this shit, Bloomquist and 3 Stacks, just like that…we’re gone.

    Hall Of Fame Spotlight
    This issue's Hall of Fame Spotlight is brought to us by none other then Poeta demonio, current Poetic Scriptures co-moderator. This section is to give some credit where it's due to someone who had a piece in the PSHOF in the previous month to shed some light on their thoughts behind the poem. Without further adue, the words of Poeta:
    Behind the painted smile.

    Okay, this piece was a story about a woman who loses her child through her own irrisponsible action of falling asleep with a cigarette in her hand... Yet the message is deeper than the words themself, it is supposed to portray how we all feel at times, insecure and feel like we have to put a 'painted' (fake) smile on so people don't see your true feelings. Alot of people wont admit they feel like that sometimes, as they may be a 'hard' type, but i'm just real enough to tell it how it is. This piece also reflects me aswell, as all my pieces do in some way or another, it was actually a story i heard on the radio, the classic story... this one kind of touched me though, as the woman was so genuine... as she spoke you could hear the pain in her voice more than i have ever heard someone talking about a loved one passing. So it inspired me to write about it.

    When reading this piece, as i said, look deeper than the story line, as this topic is applicable to all in the message it delivers.

    I was glad to see people actually enjoyed it an was touched by the piece, as i suppose that's what makes it worth it when you can actually bring someone to completely relate to the message and really take note of what you're saying. Fuck HoF, fuck legends, fuck respect through your HUGE fucking vocabulary. My uncle writes like that, and assumes he's a writer, yet how the hell are people other than professors going to relate to something that makes no damn sense. Write for the audience, write for yourself. this isn't a game of respect, it's a game of passion and love. Love for the art form, love for the people you write about. So when i see someone calling themself a poet just because they write some corney ass lines to get in some broads panty liners, it makes me sick. The ammount of pm's i get saying 'hey, can you put this piece in HoF for me please, i think it's great... it's one of my best' what will that achieve? nothing. If it's not for you and your audience to get something out of your art form, do me and any other REAL writer a favour, and drop the pen.

    As a final note to new writers in particular, forget what people say, if someone coems along and completely hates your piece, it doesnt matter, for instance some people love shakespeare, others, hate him. Write for the people you CAN reach.

    Lets say i gave 100 people a line like 'a man walked across the road' there would be a hundred different images in their minds, a hundred different looking men walking across the road, a hundred different streets. And for that reason, in someones opinion of a message in the piece can NEVER be wrong if it has been picked up by the reader. It is not how YOU as the author percieve the message, it's what your reader takes from your words, and what it means to them.

    I have alot of love for new writers, especially the ones that see that it is not a 'corny' art form when spoken from the heart.

    And with that, peace people.


    Magazine Nominations:
    This is to help us recognize people putting in work around here so for the next issue I'm going to add a few more sections. Cast out some nominations here and hopefully you'll see them next time around.

    The Collab to Catch:
    Favorite PSHOF Piece (All time and/or of Last month):
    Who You'd Like to See Interviewed:

    PS Magazine's Exclusive Poem
    This Mag's piece was written by none other then the legendary Chris Black.

    Snapshot: Ali Ismail Abbas

    All I saw were flames and rubble,
    Yet my house maintained a subtle peace
    I hear no screams, but the ruble speaks
    Or rather whispers atop the muffles shrieks
    Of missiles, riding glum clouds
    I try to speak, but not a word comes out

    Smoke blurs my vision & I’m lost in gloom. . .
    . . . Then I notice my arms are across the room

    In the Hospital, they say the missile was American
    A reporter points & he screams: “stare at him”
    I’m an oddity, with 30 men around my bed
    Doctors give it a day before they announce I’m dead
    They think I’ve lost the will to live
    How can I be dying when I’m still a kid?
    The men around my bed are hear to use me
    “Speak out against the war, and American cruelty!”
    That’s what they say with cameras & microphones
    They want it today because tomorrow I might be gone
    They don’t give a shit about me - the problem is
    I’m just a pawn in there sick game of politicks

    “I’m 12 - I don’t have an opinion on war in Iraq!!!!”

    When they see I won’t choose sides, they leave me
    My family is dead & these men don’t care to keep me
    Another kid got hurt, so they no longer need me. . .

    This is a week of my life - a snapshot. After this week, no one will remember I ever even existed.

    Note by 3 'Thou: In addition to leaving responses to the Magazine as a whole be sure to give Chris Black your thoughts on his poem in this thread.

    My first issue of the magazine is complete! Hopefully you enjoyed it and I hope to bring you more heat with the next issue. Drop some of your opinions, suggestions, etc. in here and again thanks to all who contributed, 1luv.
    Last edited by Prince Escobar; April 12th, 2007 at 07:12 PM
    Laying face down in the mainstream.

  2. #2
    Compositional Standard Spoken's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    cool mag

    i wish i was a writer to watch for

  3. #3
    Conquering Lion Prince Escobar's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    Then become one.
    Laying face down in the mainstream.

  4. #4
    Compositional Standard Spoken's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    dman....thanks alot....sucks.


    oh well....
    i guess ill never be one.

  5. #5
    Conquering Lion Prince Escobar's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    I didn't say you'd never be one, i said become one.
    Laying face down in the mainstream.

  6. #6
    Compositional Standard Spoken's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    The Collab to Catch: sharp, mindless, fiasco
    Favorite PSHOF Piece (All time and of Last month): From thoughts of an artist to being invisible
    Who You'd Like to See Interviewed: alot of the newer cats to see what they're take is on poetry...

    and thanks esco nice mag man
    Last edited by Spoken; April 12th, 2007 at 06:29 PM

  7. #7
    OG Poet, er some shit.
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    dope mag, fo sho. my interview, haha. good ole aim =]

    oh and props to Chris Black on that poem. Picture makes me sick..
    Po'Ethics - Est. 2004

  8. #8
    Bye bye black bird Poeta Demonio's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    Damn nice mag. Alot of thought put into it by all who contributed, which is always good to see the effort made. And congrads to you too esco, very well put together, Loved it.

    Either way, you're interviewing me next month sir. You know i can preech to the new breeds of writers, Nah mean!


    “ˇViva la Revolución!”

  9. #9

    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    nice job man; maybe I'll have to start dropping on the regular so I can catch some shouts myself
    po'ethics /

  10. #10
    Whatever, Fuck You HighEngineChief's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    Nice Mag Esco, I like how you put yourseld #1....Shameless bastard lol

    Naw but dope Mag

  11. #11
    better than legendary Neruda II's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    It's the dopest one I've read so far.

    I liked it all, good stuff. I had no idea gemeaux was that talented, great way to show talent. Everyone really pulled together and made this great.

    Oh man, Chris' piece was amazing, I'm fucking astounded. I love the bold line, it really screams at you. Such great imagery, I forget that he's one of my favorite writers. Much love to everyone and keep em' coming.
    murder murder

  12. #12
    Whatever, Fuck You HighEngineChief's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    Good piece Chris, the emotion was great and i liked your view from the kids eyes, your a pretty great charcter writer. Nice work

  13. #13
    Conquering Lion Prince Escobar's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    Thanks for the acclaim ya'll I have to thank everybody who contributed, and yeah Wicked's piece is just that, if anyone is interested in writing the Exclusive Mag Poem next issue hit me up, and get to nominating!
    Laying face down in the mainstream.

  14. #14
    Black Dot Biography!
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    The Collab to Catch: After reading the exclusive poem, i'd love to see something by Wicked, either with Mindless, or Sharp. I think the potential of mixing any combination of those styles is almost nuclear.

    Who You'd Like to See Interviewed: I think i'd love to see alot of the less known writers, and mainly the newer, 'underdog' writers get interviewed. It's never bad to get a golden-oldie speaking of how PS is great for new talent, and how they miss Maven and Bounce's writing (As i'm sure alot of us do), but i feel that there may be so much more intriguing material to come from the mouth of somebody new. I personally look forward to hearing the opinions, influences, inspirations and aspirations of those newer to the depths of Poetic Scriptures.

    Awesome mag, i've yet to see a sub-standard issue from this forum. Great writers and a lovely mix of interesting content - you shone in this mag 3G.

    Big shout to all the notices, well done all! Peaceee

  15. #15
    The Witness. Witty's Avatar
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    Re: Poetic Scriptures: The Magazine

    You hoes are going to be seeing a lot of me now, I'm starting to write poems again I just realised, I've only dropped five poems in my time at RB lmao wtf

    Nice mag btw

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