Today I dream of things long past, in days I lived before
Under eyelids my daydreams carry me back into my mind,
Cross the bridge of lore
Across the crevasses of reminiscent valleys
flooded by the waters of regretful course
Dreadful remorse haunting my judgment, stalking my conscience
Take my nightmares from beneath my eyes, beneath the skies
Beneath the night, take the night from above my head
The devil from beneath my bed

Today I dream of things to happen in Times I’ve yet to see
Epoch's collide like ocean tides against the coast of my thoughts,
and wash back into open seas
wash back and return me to reality where I don’t feel to Love
Just to know that I no longer sleep
Who is a man that feels that has never felt love and loss
So I only wake to know I feel and live, and live to dream again