I have recently had problems with somebody special in my mind so I tried to write about what can happen to relationships if you do not fully trust your partner... I put a lot into this and all feedback will be greatly appreciated...

Alone deeply depressed, together our feelings were sacred
Our bodies and souls intertwined, and now my body is vacant

I only wish to myself, that I gave you all you wanted from me
But my wish was wasted, all I wanted was to be yours for eternity

You told me you felt the same looking into a starry nights sky
Times faster when your happy so with you my life flew by

Not caring for the others around me, you were my main concern
Through all the time we spent together, I was never truly hers

It started to fall apart, I knew that you were cheating openly
I wouldn’t admit it though, so I couldn’t lay my restless soul to peace

At first I was angry, then came depression, which I am still stuck with
My heart has been shattered into pieces, soul ripped in two by an emotional rift

This pain is always in control of my anatomy, I hardly have the energy to live
My only escape would be to kill myself and enter God’s open bliss

Being heartbroken creates fury which drives your mind into rage, un-cages a violent beast
And so I tracked her down, followed her and disposed of her so violently

As she lay on her death bed I told her how she made me feel, I loved her
She told me how she never cheated, she was just spending time with her older brother

The one who never visited, he was on a course in Uni, I have destroyed my one and only
She smiled and told me that it would all be okay, but her strength left her as she beckoned to hold me

I destroyed the love of my life, only so I could restore my unworthy pride
Pleaded guilty and was given no probation offers with my sentence for life

I still see her from time to time, in my dreams and the place in which they sought to rest her
Visiting the Love of my Life’s grave, in shackles and chains, belonging to the jail in which I am bound to serve forever
